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Built to Last

If you are looking for a Wired In-Ear Monitor System, Our passive hard-wired in-ear monitor systems are Built To Last with Neutrik connectors and Mogami Cables.  They are Built In The USA, meticulously robust, and road worthy.  We use the highest quality components.

the Devil is in the Details

 Our passive systems are the Only Ones that use a Custom Volume Control in both the RXM and IXM systems.  This results in superb, incredibly smooth, volume response.

The IXM Cable is a beautiful, professional cable that looks and lays like a guitar cable and combines a low-noise instrument cable and a pristine in-ear monitor signal.

Our passive hard-wired in-ear monitor systems are the best in the world… Why?  Details!

1000's of Happy Customers

We have satisfied customers from all over the world and stand behind our products 100%. We believe in offering superior customer service.

Order with Confidence!


Revolutionary One-Cable Design
One cable for guitar and in-ears!

See How It Works

man wearing t-shirt wallppaer


Wired In-Ear Monitory System:
1/4 or XLR, Stereo or Mono - the RXM accepts all inputs.  It's like the swiss army knife of passive wired in-ear monitor bodypacks.

Learn More

What People Are Saying:

“The product has been great since day one and the customer care is spot on!”

– Tom Mussett, CROOX, United Kingdom

“When I saw this product, RXM, on the market, I was very skeptical. But, after doing my research and seeing all the good reviews, I decided to order it. I play drums in a small church worship band. After I got it all hooked up, I was blown away by how I could hear everybody. This is a great product.”

– Daniel Adolfson, Honesdale, PA

“Thought I’d let you know that I received the IXM today. Did a quick test and I can all ready tell that this is perfect for me! Very impressed by the overall quality. Feels very solid and roadworthy 🙂

Thanks for helping me out with a great product!”

– Ihsahn, Norway

“I was very excited when I saw the IXM product… It’s just such a great alternative to shelling out thousands to get a decent wireless in ear system…The people should know of this great product!”

– Joey O’Neil, New Jersey, USA

“Recieved the package a while ago, but I used it for the first time last Friday in a live setting. It worked flawlessly – for the first time ever I didn’t have any problems with my in-ear cable getting stuck between my bottom and the chair (I’m a drummer) and the volume knob is very handy when it comes to turning on amps and stuff like that. Usually I had to disconnect my IEM from the extention cord, but not any more.

Thanks for a great product!”

– Rune Gravengaard, Esbjerg, Denmark

I have been looking at in-ear systems for a year o so, and always felt frustrated by the whole issue of changing batteries and audio quality for something so expensive. When I was browsing YouTube for videos on guitar in-ear systems, I discovered the IXM system and began doing research on it. Combined with the flexibility of the Rolls PM351 headphone amp (also purchased through Jump Audio), I knew that it was the solution I needed!

I had the entire system up and was jamming in under 5 minutes. No hassles with frequencies, charging battery packs or anything. It just plain works! Many thanks for a fantastic product for a very real need of any guitarist looking for an in-ear solution.”

– Brian Davidson, Electric Guitar/Vocals – Atonement Lutheran Church Worship Team  –

“Had a chance to try out the IXM and RXM last week, Really love them… The Sixth Generation from Niles,Michigan recommends them highly. I don’t know how we did without back in the ’60s. Thanks again.”

– Paul Davies, Bass Player, The Sixth Generation

“Received the RMX system and find it to be of very good quality… I turned my backup trax up loud, then connected my “in ears” to your beltpack and cable with my headphone amp to see how well I could hear my voice Very nice!… This RMX system should be a solution to the “hearing yourself” problem I have had.”

– Fred Bachman, Lead Singer, The Sixth Generation

“I just wanted to take a minute to let you know what an awesome product the IXM bodypack & cable is! You have helped my band and myself make the transition to IEM’s very affordable and the system works flawlessly! I will defiently be purchasing another IXM in the near future and will be spreading the word about JUMPAUDIO!”

– Travis Mourick, Waddington NY 

“I have been using the IMX system at gigs every week for the past 6 months with no problems! The system is built like a tank and the sound quality is excellent. Thanks again for making a great product!”

– Ryan Thompson, Thompson AV Design, Loveland OH 

“After 15 years of being at the mercy of every bad sounding live monitor mix from Stockholm, Sweden to Stockton, California, I have finally found the answer to every singer’s problems. The Jump Audio IXM in-ear system allows me to go independent of the “soundguy” and capture my voice and guitar first. This is the perfect inexpensive hardwired system….!!!!”

– Troy Olsen, Professional Songwriter, Nashville TN

“I got the IXM today and hooked it up…. It works as advertised! I really like being able to use it stereo… Great product, seeing as It would cost me ooodles to go wireless on my bass because of the low freq, i’m going to be tethered to my rig for the forseable future. This thing saved me a fortune. Thanks again!”

– Steve Gillson, Tacoma WA 

“I received the units today in perfect shape – thanks. I must say at first glance that you are not charging enough for them, especially the IXM… (for) churches / houses of worship – this system is PERFECT for a fixed install that does not need to be wireless… Once again I appreciate the professional courtesy you allowed me and will make every effort to return it”

– Rick Boone, Crestwood KY 

“I bought the IXM in-ear monitor system a few months ago. I have been using it ever since. It is an awesome addition to my setup. Before I had to have two cables connected running from the floor up to my belt. It was very hard to adjust your monitor volume without having to bend over in the middle of a song. It is a great solution to not spending a lot of money on wireless and there are no batteries to change. Thanks for the great service and timely shipping.”

– Robert Gillingham, Newfoundland Canada